Monday, March 29, 2010

Notes for March 29th

  • I'm a major foodie.  Jamie Oliver is not quite my hero, but he's definitely out there trying to do god's work.  Too bad nobody seems appreciative.
  • Seems like I talk about a lot of dinosaurs on this blog.  Does that count as being interested in birds?  If so, a lot of people will be confused about who is writing this thing.  Anyway, Australian T-Rex!
  • Dark flow?  Wha?  Wow.  It is increasingly difficult to believe we know anything about anything.
  • The value of a positive mental attitude.
  • Expect lots of slightly older links this week.  I missed a big chunk of last week with site visits and I'm struggling to keep up with everything this week.  So I'm going to probably be slow to run through my cycle of sites and I may miss my favorite activity:  Paper of the day!
  • On another note:  I've been rejected on my last three papers.  In two of the cases, I can't really get anything useful out of the rejection (the comments were either bizarrely out of left field and I have no idea how they relate to my paper, or they are just minor things that I can't change).  If you are out there reviewing papers:  FOR THE LOVE OF MONKEYS, please try constructive criticism.

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